After reading Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons and Digital Fortress. It was very obvious i got excited when i read the news that new book Lost Symbol is coming out soon. I requested in advance in library, patting on my back over my smart move, only to find that there were more than 200 other people in local library who have already done that. So next thing i am trying to figure out how long is this book going to be popular. That i am trying to measure by how is the wait queue behaving. Blue line is for total number of people waiting in the queue. And green line is for my position.
As of day 12, you can see that my position is slowly moving forward. But on the other rate of joining people is higher than people leaving the queue. This signifies that this book is still very popular in library. My guess is that when more people from this queue or other interested readers will get the book from other source (ex. buying it, or borrowing it from friend) the trend should change. More for later.