I am trying to learn technologies using a practical approach. Right now my focus is to create a sample e-commerce web application using Java Technologies.
The technologies of focus are
1) Spring : For dependency injection
2) Struts2 : For MVC framework
3) Hibernate : For persistence
4) Maven: For build management
5) Tomcat 6 : Servlet Container
6) SVN: Source code managemnt
Since building a full scale e-com app is not in scope for small scale learning approach, i am going to take baby steps.
My first step is
Create a login funcitonality
Allow user to enter username and password. Right now the system will just say a successful validation if both username and password are same. It doesn't involve DB interaction and still able to use Spring and Struts 2 integration.
Build Instructions
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout http://amj-ecom.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ amj-ecom-read-only
You will need a svn client for this. I am using Tortoise SVN.
To build it you just need to run ($mvn package from your command prompt). It will create a war file ecom.war in target directory. I have created a small script cleandeploy.bat for easy deployment of app to a tomcat container. You will need to edit this file to point to the correct path of tomcat dir as per your system.
Any suggestion and feedback is welcome.
I intend to add more posts as and when i add more functionality in this project.
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