Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Book Review : A Game of Thrones

It has been a long time since many months i have been so engraved in a book as the "A Game of Thrones". I have just finished the first book in this series of 5 books and it has been a great journey so far.

What is so great about this book

  1. The canvas is big. It has many characters and many many stories beautifully joining together in the main plot. If i may be bold enough it is on the same league as that of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings.
  2. It opens your imagination in a big way. Be it the "Imp" Tyrion Lannister or Eddard Stark. All of the characters have very very interesting personalities.
  3. Story revolves around the character slowly and slowly. Like you are undoing a dress fabric by fabric. Doesn't that feel nice. The chapters are neither too small nor big enough. Thus they keep you engrossed and engaged.