Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ganesh Puja

India is a country of million gods and goddesses. Among the many gods and goddesses each state/region has one which is most revered in that region. In Maharashtra that is most definitely Lord Ganesha. Every year during this time, you can hear loud slogans of "Ganpati Bappa Morya" (Lord Ganesha is mine). This festivity is celebrated for 11 days. Many Ganpati idols will be put in homes and public places. And at the end of worship days (some do for 5 whereas others for 7, 9 or 11 day) Ganpati idols are immersed in river/sea with loud requests to Ganesha for coming early next year. Immersion is preceded by a procession in which trained people will play many musical instruments in a very coordinated way. The beats of drums are very splendid to hear. Here is one such procession video which happened near my home

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